Now for the dreaded Menopur again.
I took the Menopur and diluent out of the fridge a half hour before the appointed hour to bring them up to room temperature.
I iced the injection site for about five minutes as I prepared the shot. Mixing the medication was a little easier this time; I felt like I knew what I was doing... sort of. Still, the Q-Cap didn't go on the syringe easily (as if the threading on the two pieces didn't match), and I wasn't sure if I was supposed to try with a new syringe or what. I plowed ahead with the Q-cap and syringe I was working with.
Once I was ready to inject, I sat for about thirty seconds with the needle hovering over the injection site, and finally, I just stabbed myself.
It hurt a little bit less going in than yesterday, so maybe the icing helped. The Menopur still burned as I injected it into my body, though maybe not as bad as yesterday, so maybe bringing the medication to room temp also helps a little.
The most unpleasant part of all this is that I swear I feel the medicine going into my body, and it burns, and I feel twinges around the area reacting to the medication. There was even a little blood this time when I withdrew the needle, which means I hit a capillary (not a big deal, the nurse said). And the injection site smarted a bit afterwards but is fine now, fifteen minutes later. I think that icing the area helps temper the surface sting and skin reaction a bit, and bringing the medicine up to room temp doesn't make things worse, so I think I will make these two steps part of my Menopur routine.
I don't think I will ever get used to giving myself Menopur. It will still be a dreaded moment of my day. But then there is always ice cream. (Blue Marble's famous Strawberry, this time.)
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